Mstat (--)
Sends me my status bar.
Rstats ([d] --)
Sends every player in d (including me) their status bar. If d is not there, assumes my location.
Pstat (d --)
Sends their status bar to player d.
Retl (-- s)
Sends the [Hit return to continue] signal and reads the response from the user, whenever they give it. If the response is a return, s will be "", otherwise s is whatever they typed. The way to use this is: 'retl if exit then'. That will exit the program if they didn't hit return, otherwise continue on without adding anything to or taking anything from the stack.
Alsp (--)
Sends an empty line to everyone in my location.
Prac (s --)
Practices my skill s once, and tells me if I improve.
TPMatch (s -- d)
This takes a string which may be part of a player's name if they are connected (e.g. "jek" if "Jekteir" is online), or a full name (e.g. "Jekteir) whether or not they are online, or a full name with * (e.g. "*Jekteir") whether or not they are online, and returns their dbref# if they are recognised as a player, otherwise #-1. So '[get string] tpmatch dup ok? not if' will run the true line (with one copy of #-1 still on the stack) if the player has not been found, otherwise the false line with one copy of the newly-matched dbref# on the stack.
WPMatch (s -- d)
This works like TPMatch, but will _only_ accept whole player names with no "*" before either. It still either returns their dbref# or #-1.
TSleep (i --)
Sleep for i tenths of seconds. i may not be 50 or above (which would be 5 seconds or above), as this is classified as being too long.